Saturday, September 20, 2008

Translate that!

so, I wasn't going to start a blog just yet, I didn't think I had time to even set one up, let alone keep up on it. Then, as I looked at my sister's and my sister-in-law’s blogs, I started to realize how easy it all really was, and then I started feeling left out because I didn't have one. So here I begin my own blog. I can't garentee very frequent posts (unless you want to hear about all my homework and tests! :) ) but I'm sure that every once in a while I'll come up with somthing fun to say.

I thought I'd start out with a fun little somthing I found in my reading assignment for my translation and interpretation class... (you can click on it to see a bigger immage)

(this comes from: "The Translators Handbook" by Morry Sofer; sixth revised edition pg. 30)


  1. Hey Beth. Welcome to blogging! I'm so glad you've joined us. I will add you to my blog roll and google reader.

  2. Hey welcome! It's good to see you on the blogosphere. No worries about the frequency of writing -- as much or as little as you want. It's all good. :)

  3. Hi Bethany long time no see or hear. This is Sam Castillo. I'm glad to see that you got back from your mission and such. If your picture is any indicator you look like you're doing well. Entonces buen suerte con el espanol. Estoy assitiendo a la unviversidad de utah ahorita. Tengo como dos anos de casado y tengo un hija de casi dos anos. Ella naci en el mismo dia en que yo naci en Enero. Pues escribame algo. Me parece que tienes me dirreccion siendo que este blog llegue a me atencion por medio de un correo electronico. Hasta la proxima vez entonces,
    Amistad y Amor
    Sam C

  4. little shoosh, i'm so glad you sent me this link so I could see how you are doing. How are you and how is everything going?

  5. Hi Beth...cute the pix of dorie! keep up the good work.

